If you have any sites to recommend, or if you notice a broken link, please e-mail me and tell me about it! General links are at the top, the others are organized into categories.
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)- Selectively reenacting the middle ages.
Encyclopedia.com- good general reference site.
Bravenet Web Services- great free tools for webmasters!
Add Me!- add your site to 30 search engines.

- GodeCookery.com
The best page I have ever found about medieval food and cookery, and it looks as though it's still being built! If you want to know what people ate and how they made it, this is definetly a good place to start.

- Fransesco Sirene, Spicer
If you need hard to find spices for a medieval recipie, this is the place to look!
- Historic Enterprises
Sell medieval and renaissance clothing and accessories.
- Jas. Townsend & Son Inc.
These guys sell reenactment goods, mainly from the 18th century, but some of the things they sell can be very useful within the timeframe of the SCA (medieval age), pre-cut quills are just one example.
- By The Sword
Affordable accessories for the medievalist, although some of the items are of dubious historical accuracy.
- Museum Replicas Limited
A lot of interesting things here, and the prices are pretty good.
- Renstore.com
Medieval and Renaissance clothing and accessories.
- The Pillaged Village
Highly recommended! Mainly accessories to be found here. Great prices, a great resource for trims, clasps and buttons too.